Las 5 claves de la educación Montessori

The 5 keys to Montessori education

The five key principles of Montessori education are respect for the child, the absorbing mind, sensitive periods for learning, the prepared environment and self-education.

1. The Montessori principle of respect for the child implies respecting the uniqueness of each child, their freedom to choose, to move, to correct their own mistakes and to work at their own pace.

2. The absorbing mind is a concept developed by Maria Montessori that describes the child's ability to assimilate information through their environment and experiences.

3. According to María Montessori, there are six sensitive periods during the first years of childhood, which usually go from birth to six years[1][2][3][4][5]. These periods are characterized by an inner compulsion that motivates young children to seek certain experiences and learn specific skills.

4. The Montessori Prepared Environment is a carefully structured learning space designed to maximize the independent learning and growth of students[1][2][3][4][5]. It includes both the visible environment, such as furniture and materials, and the invisible environment, such as the teacher's attitude and expectations.

5. Self-education, a basic tenet of the Montessori Method, is based on the belief that children are capable and willing to teach themselves with guidance[1][2][3][4][5]. It consists of providing materials that allow children to self-correct and learn through their own exploration.

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